Does your company have an experienced
Shipping Audit Tool behind your accounting?
Our network is designed by former Shipping Carrier Developers and Management to insure better tools, experience, savings and more. This along with our 24.7 Support Team online to answer any questions you may have when you have them.
Our difference is based on our Automation, Carrier Integration and our Teams.
Small Parcel Audit
Address Corrections
Our network scans all shipments for address correction adjustments. Once found, the network automatically checks it against government and carrier address tables to insure the shipping charge adjustment is correct. If not, it will submit to the shipping carrier for a refund.
Service Failures
Carriers such as UPS, FedEx, USPS etc. give money back on certain Service Levels for late deliveries. We will check every shipment for on-time delivery and file for all service failures to get your money back. Let our network get each and every one of them!
Incorrect Pricing
Matching your Shipping Charges and Accessorials to your Shipping Carrier Pricing Agreements. This is another way our network is monitoring any incorrect charges. This can also happen between contract changes within the Shipping Carrier system.
Repeat Address Offenders
One of the many tools within our Portal is the Repeat Address Offenders system. It allows you to review Address Corrections that happen every time you send to the same customer so you can update internally to avoid future charges! This is included with all plans!
Duplicate Charges
Checking each shipment to insure it was not previously billed should be a must.
Shipping Carriers often time rebill in which causes duplications in charges.
Automatically disputed with our system no action needed on your part.
UnAuthorized Shippers
Shippers can use an Incorrect Shipper Number when billing 3rd Party or Freight Collect. This can happen to any Shipping Account or be from fraudulent charges. This is a great feature for Shippers that give out their Shipping Account Number to other Vendors for billing.
Select the plan based on your Shipping Costs Per Year
Take a moment to review the different plans below associated by how much your average spend is with the Shipping Cost! Higher than 150k per year? No problem, click the link below the plans to see more.
SA TIER 1 | $39 / month
Yearly Shipping Spend
Between $5k - $50k
Between $5k - $50k
SA TIER 2 | $79 / month
Yearly Shipping Spend
Between $51k - $100k
Between $51k - $100k
SA TIER 3 | $119 / month
Yearly Shipping Spend
Between $101k - $150k
Between $101k - $150k